Managing a varied workforce and consistently meeting staff-to-patient ratios are paramount concerns in a healthcare staffing environment. PurelyTracking Time & Attendance is custom-build to meet the unique workforce management challenges of the healthcare industry. We enable healthcare specialists to adequately control labor costs and minimize compliance risk in order to provide the best patient care possible.
Track Employee Productivity
Monitor real-time employee time and attendance.
Intelligent Staff Scheduling
Accurately forecast workloads and roster staff accordingly.
Employee Skills Allocation
Ensure the right skillsets are present for every shift.
Streamline Compliance
Adhere to complex and constantly changing labor regulations.
Achieve Payroll Accuracy
Eliminate costly payroll errors and minimize the risk of overpayment.
Increase in Staff Satisfaction
Engage your employees with convenient self-service tools.
For shift systems with repeatable shift patterns, auto-generate each team member's shift assignments for any scheduling period. Easily drag-and-drop to assign shifts or make schedule changes without having to enter/type in the information. Show the number of employees scheduled in each shift by position OR skills. Employees can view their planned and actual work hours for the current week or next week or monthly on mobile app.